Option FanaticOptions, stock, futures, and system trading, backtesting, money management, and much more!

Is Independent Trading Success Possible? (Part 2)

This series of posts asks whether independent trader success even exists.  I concluded last time with mention of hundreds to thousands as a requisite sample size and today I will discuss why so many.

I begin with the notorious claim that 80-90% of all new traders fail within the first 1-3 years.  Due to concerns over sampling methodology, I question the veracity of this claim just like I question the existence of independent trader success.  For current purposes, I will conservatively assume that 80% of all new traders fail within the first three years.  A sample of 100 may therefore generate 20 successful traders.

To not fail during the first three years is a far cry from achieving consistent profits over time, though.  The latter may hint at a decade or two of activity.  Out of the 20 successful traders found, how many of them have been trading for a decade or two?  I would guess not many, which would significantly increase the requisite sample size.

Furthermore, I believe years of trading experience are required before consistent profitability is really possible.  Losses, after all, are the trader’s best teacher:  especially the bigger ones.  Perhaps I need to find people who have traded 15-25 years rather than 10-20.

Can you see how each step of increased selectivity requires a larger sample size to find a reasonable number of hits?

Another issue to address is why just a handful of successful traders does not necessarily establish the existence of independent trading success.  I want to know from a statistical perspective to avoid the possibility of fluke.  Is it one out of 10 who is successful or one out of 100,000?  The latter would be 0.001%, which is much more likely to be fluke.  Another complication?  If it is only one out of 100,000 then my chances of even finding them are much less likely.

I will continue in the next post.

Is Independent Trading Success Possible? (Part 1)

My “Holy Grail” is consistent profits over time and I use this blog to help me continue moving forward to that end.  While I hope I can one day look back on my performance having realized that goal, whether consistent profitability even exists for independent traders is a question worthy of debate.

As a research project, I can accomplish the first step:  operational definition of trading success.  For me, this is about consistent profits over time and I can certainly quantify that.

The challenge begins in earnest when trying to conceptualize the data collection process.  I have little doubt that large institutions prove successful with their trading activities.  Many publicly-owned corporations must disclose profit and losses in their financial statements, which makes this a matter of public record.

What happens with individuals is extremely private, however, which is why I raise the question of trading success in the first place.  In a previous post I wrote:

> I also want to note that only brokerages and the IRS truly know if
> significant individual trading success even exists.  Only these entities
> see account values over time for thousands of individuals (i.e. an
> adequate sample size).

People can and do exaggerate or lie for various reasons.  Nothing short of authentic brokerage statements and tax returns would be sufficient to scientifically verify profits and losses from trading activity.  We live in a society where details about personal finances are shroud in secrecy.  Merely catching a glimpse of brokerage statements and tax returns belonging to immediate family members is a difficult thing for many.  The thought of broadening this sample to hundreds or thousands of randomly selected individuals may easily be regarded as an impossible feat.

Aside from being an insider for a brokerage or the IRS, I’m not sure how I would ever generate a statistically valid sample.

I will continue this discussion in the next post.

Trader Meetups (Part 18)

As discussed in the last two posts, the road to trading success is very long and chock-full of laborious work.  Despite what Wall Street and the multitude of trader service entities would have you believe, no shortcut exists to consistent profits over time.

Rather than “breaking my back” to learn what I need to know, human greed urges me to take the easy road.  This is the road targeted by trader service marketing campaigns (e.g. mentorships, trader education programs, trader newsletters, trader psychological services, meetups with commercial organizers, etc.).  All of it is designed to use human greed as a manipulative tool to take my eyes off the difficult road just long enough to give my credit card number or write a check for the dream scenario.

I can only encourage you to keep “time-tested wisdom” in mind:

“Caveat emptor” = “Let the buyer beware”

“There’s no such thing as a free lunch”

“If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.”

I have found one potential benefit to trader meetups.  I weighed potential pros and cons to one particular networking meetup in part 7 and decided the chance of being useful for me was slim to none.  In general, although I believe most trader meetups organized by those with commercial interests will be loaded with beginners and not useful to me, I may occasionally find a wayward advanced trader like myself venturing out from his/her trading cave in an effort to meet like-minded souls.  This is a person with whom I could work.

Whether reality or fantasy, one can always hope.

Trader Meetups (Part 17)

I left off in part 16 discussing the vast amount of work required to move from beginner to advanced trader.  In my experience, meetups are notorious for making the road seem easy with alluring marketing materials rather than collaborative system development.

I have chosen to pick on meetups for this blog series, but they certainly don’t have a monopoly when it comes to misdirecting traders from the one “proven” road to success described in part 4 and part 5.  So many trader education programs, mentorships, newsletter services, coaching, and psychological services promise success with little time and effort.  For a fee, they will show you the way to Easy St.  I do not believe any easy street exists even though Wall Street (i.e. the multi-billion dollar institutions) wants you to believe it.

Listen to the voice of Wall Street:

> Go ahead, get happy and overconfident so you trade real big hoping to make
> millions with your greedy intentions.  You may even win for a while (e.g.
> 2006-7, 2011-2, 2013, etc.).  When (not “if”) you lose, though, you’ll be all-in
> and you will more than pay us off for our patience and sales/marketing efforts.

I should note that while my claims of the laborious work as a prerequisite for trading success make logical sense, I will never prove them.  For myself, I will one day be able to look back and determine whether I succeeded.  I have done and continue to do the laborious work, which will give me a sample size of one.  Only brokerages and the IRS see account values over time for a sample size sufficient to do this analysis.  Everything else–especially how successful people may claim to be–is just sales, marketing, and braggadocio.

I will conclude this blog series with my next post.

Trader Meetups (Part 16)

I have spent the better part of two months discussing topics related to trader meetups.  The time has come to tie up some loose ends.

I meant no insult to beginners in part 8 where I described my concept of the real trading group.  Recall that the real trading group has a shared goal between all members and the group itself:  use of advanced understanding to become better traders.  No conflict of interest means no optionScam.com.  As with everything else, all traders [including me!] start[ed] as beginners.  The label implies neither good nor bad:  just matter of fact.  Beginners have no advanced understanding, though.  In an advanced group, beginners would be a source of imbalance and distraction.  Focus cannot be maintained when having to stop frequently and explain basic tenets of trading, which is what beginners would need to make sense out of real trading group’s work.

By definition, the beginner has little to offer the advanced trader.  When beginning and advanced traders interact, the advanced traders are either getting paid for their services or are looking to “give back” in the spirit of charity.  No other arrangement makes sense so beware if you see a situation involving both levels of expertise (e.g. meetup groups).

To get ahead in the markets requires a tireless work ethic to complete the work described in part 4 and part 5.  Lazy attitudes and freeloaders will not prevail.  Malcolm Gladwell’s “10,000-hour rule” may be a good approximation to quantify how much effort is needed.  Trader meetups led by commercial organizers, unfortunately, are not designed to help with any of this.  Such meetups often begin with food, drink, discussion of lavish vacations or living in tropical destinations, and other themes designed to immediately activate the brain’s hedonistic center through release of endorphins.

This is more about psychological manipulation than honest effort to improve trader efficacy.

Some call it sales tactics.

I call it optionScam.com.

Trader Meetups (Part 15)

In the last post, I summarized flaws of the February 28 meetup.  I concluded by calling it everything I dislike about commercial (something to sell) organizers.  This is optionScam.com because of conflicting interests, which likens it in my eyes to the financial media.

My interest is to be successful whereas the organizer’s interest is to get my money.  The organizer really does not care whether I succeed even though she purports to have my best interest at heart.  Sure, I may provide positive testimonials or referrals if the product helps me succeed.  If I don’t succeed then all the organizer really cares about is that I never become so disenchanted that I tell everybody how horrible the product is.  If I purchase the product, am unsuccessful, and decide trading is not for me as I walk quietly into the night, the organizer will be content.  This is optionScam.com.

In a similar way, financial media like CNBC is also optionScam.com because of conflicting interests.  CNBC has many talking heads and investment/trading “gurus” who offer recommendations and trading advice.  Most traders I’ve heard or communicated with doubt anybody can consistently profit from CNBC.  Personally, I regard the media as blatant distraction that should be banned from my trading day because it can generate emotional reaction and overtrading.  CNBC’s interest is to make money.  The more entertaining its programming, the better its ratings and the more advertising contracts they sign.  In essence, CNBC’s interest is to profit off my viewership whereas my interest is to succeed as a trader.  As with the meetup organizer, if I watch CNBC and lose big money trading, the network will be content to see me walk quietly into the night as long as I don’t blame the network for my failure and tell everyone how bad it is.  This would be bad for its business.

In the next post, I will work to tie up some loose ends.

Trader Meetups (Part 14)

In the past few posts, I have made several observations about JD’s meetup presentation on February 28 that make me think of him more as a salesman for a mediocre service than as a successful, full-time option trader.

From an educational standpoint, I would rate the presentation an F because of his persistently smug and overconfident tone.  Many in the crowd identified themselves as “beginners” when asked.  Beginners get sold relatively easily and don’t know what due diligence to perform.  I wonder how many attendees thought to check the web site to see how well JD actually does with his trades?  I thought about asking why his stated performance was so poor, which contradicted his cool and confident underlying tone, but I could not remember the exact numbers and thought it might be rude and land me on the street outside.

Besides, I smelled the pizza and hoped to get my fair share.

To recap the flaws:

–Extensive time spent illustrating a complex trading system with only one chart
–No backtesting of system performed (“it just makes money”)
–Arrogant representation of option trading (like an ATM machine)
–Hardly any discussion of risk management implies trades rarely lose or lose very little (false!)
–Well-known option myth presented as fact (twice)
–Earnings plays described as easy and consistently profitable (at least 15 other traders disagree)
–Pizza, pop, and beer made for an oasis of refreshment

Taken together, this presentation seemed to be more about sales and marketing for a $79/month service than anything else.  This is optionScam.com and pretty much everything I don’t like about meetup groups being organized by people with commercial interests.

Trader Meetups (Part 13)

I have spent the last three posts discussing JD’s meetup presentation from February 28.

As mentioned previously, JD spoke very little about trades gone bad or about how to manage them.  I discussed his brief mention of keeping tight stops, which is controversial.  He spent one minute explaining that you don’t want to risk more than 5-10% of your account on any one trade.  This is also highly controversial.  To lose so much with one trade would put me at a very high risk of ruin.  I challenge you to find an experienced trader anywhere who would recommend 5-10% position sizing for beginners (or experts!).

I keep telling myself that JD is supposedly a full-time option trader with over 10 years of experience but his performance as shown on the web site is no more encouraging:

Kudos to JD for not losing money with this service.  Aside from the initial two weeks that lost, all money made was in the first four months after inception, though.  He lost money from March 20, 2012, through February 27, 2013:  344 days of losing during which time the S&P 500 was up over 10.5%.  At 18 trades per month, I would have lost money over the course of 203 trades.  As performance numbers don’t usually include transaction costs, I probably would have lost more than the 0.6% loss shown in the graph.

For this service he is charging $79/month.

Why did he imply trading to be like taking candy from a baby if he can’t do it successfully himself?

optionScam.com, anyone?

Trader Meetups (Part 12)

I have spent the last two posts discussing a new meetup I attended on February 28.

Consistent with the “trading is like an ATM machine” theme, the meetup presenter JD talked quite a bit about earnings announcements as another “slam dunk” approach to option trading.  He talked about the volatility crush that occurs after earnings and why this is a windfall for anyone applying short option strategies.  JD represented no significant effort required to place these trades:  even if the market moves against, you will likely profit.

I have listened to discussion by many about trading earnings announcements either directionally (verticals) or nondirectionally (time spreads before or credit spreads through the event) and only once have I heard a trader claim to have consistent success.  She attributed her success to extensive time spent studying option chains to see if she could place trades for a requisite profit potential based on past earnings moves.

JD seems to just slap the trades on haphazardly and collect profits.  If trading were easy then wouldn’t all market makers (and associated firms) be out of business already?

At best, earnings plays should be treated as speculative:  trades to be done in extremely small contract size.  Regard them as lottery tickets.  They will not pay your mortgage or recurrent living expenses.  This is all about risk management and JD discussed none of it.

With regard to risk management, on two brief occasions JD did mention keeping a tight stop near the entry level.  He never went into depth about what a portfolio can actually lose by implementing this stop-loss over many trades.  The educated trader will tell you that tight stops, which imply low risk, aren’t necessarily a good thing because more often than not due to the market’s random volatility, they will get hit for small losses.  One may suffer death by a thousand cuts just as one may suffer death by one huge accident.

I will discuss this meetup further in the next post.

Trader Meetups (Part 11)

I concluded my last post with an open question.  Does it seem suspicious that JD, the meetup presenter and supposed full-time trader, spends all day trading a system he has not backtested?

Given the content of my blog, this response should sound suspicious.  Without solid backtesting and system development behind it, I would never recommend anyone place live trades except in the smallest of size.  Without these steps, you have no idea whether the results are fluke or robust and likely to persist into the future.  Such a small trading size would hardly fund the mortgage payment every month, which to me casts doubt on this guy’s supposed status as a full-time trader.

Alternatively, he could trade full-time and just make very little money doing it.  Perhaps that’s why he sells a service for $79/month?

As mentioned previously, JD spoke long about how option trading can profit in many different ways and he smiled extensively when talking about large profits.

A repetitive application of the big smile was with discussion of option expiration.  On two occasions, JD mentioned the statistic that 80% of options expire worthless.  Since the presentation focused on net short option strategies, expiring options means profit:  something definitely worth smiling about, right?  The only problem is that this is a well-known option myth.

Like his dismissal of backtesting, inclusion of this option myth to the presentation makes me suspicious.  Did JD think we were all ignorant about option trading?  Maybe he thought he was talking to a room full of novices who wouldn’t know any better.  Why would he intentionally lie, though, except in an attempt to sell his product?  If this was an honest mistake then I would again question his claim as a full-time, 10-year option trader since this is Options 101 level material.

I will continue discussion of this meetup in my next post.