Option FanaticOptions, stock, futures, and system trading, backtesting, money management, and much more!

Are Stock Studies Helpful to [Prospective] BI Members?

In a relatively short period of time (since www.optionfanatic.com is well over 12 years old), over 15% of my blog content is now BetterInvesting (BI) stock studies. While I have an idea whether this is helping anybody, I am more curious about whether this can help anybody.

Posting studies in the blog certainly helps me by keeping me structured and holding me accountable. When I stopped posting studies, I stopped doing studies for about five months (see here).

Learning how to size up and analyze a stock was the main reason I joined BI. Mission accomplished: 220 (and counting) posted right here are testament to that fact.

Option Fanatic is primarily for personal use only as part and parcel of my trading business. I leave it public, however, and welcome anyone to read it. Occasionally, I get comments or emails. I am more than happy if the blog can help anybody else.

Without blog publicity/advertising, I doubt many people are reading. From time to time I have looked at the analytics and not seen large numbers. I have lots of quality content but a helping hand may be needed for it to make an impact: some instruction on adapting what works for me with what can work for them and how they can make that happen.

I doubt stock studies posted here are helping others for two reasons. First, not advertising my blog prevents others from discovering it. Second, these studies are incomplete. BI members will understand most of what I write, but graphical/tabular data presentation (completing the study as a First Cut) would greatly benefit non-members and is not included.

This brings me to the next question: can these studies help anybody? The studies are publicity to demonstrate the BI stock study methodology. The BI website, www.betterinvesting.org, includes [complete] First Cuts, though, and anyone can get a 90-day free trial for that. All studies posted here are also submitted to the BI website as First Cuts.

One thing that cannot be done on the BI website is sorting by author. All my studies may be seen on my blog. A particular stock must be known/selected to find my respective First Cut(s) on the BI website. The BI website archives everyone’s First Cut submissions, though. I strongly encourage reading a variety of members because different nuances and tweaks to the analytical process will resonate with different investors.

Studies posted on my blog can be useful for non-members to get a sense of the BI process without giving personal details. I am sometimes wary of free trials if I have to submit an address, phone number, email, or credit card. If avoidance of the latter enables my blog to facilitate an introduction to BetterInvesting, then so much the better!

Just some random thoughts on what started out as a cloudy and rainy day in South Florida…