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Karen the “Supertrader” (Part 1)

Tom Sosnoff introduced the financial world to Karen “the Supertrader” Bruton in a series of interviews broadcast on Tasty Trade (TT), a financial education network. The nickname reflects her supposed windfall success with options.

As of the date of this writing, it’s not hard to find Karen’s interviews or related discussion on the Interwebs. YouTube has them as does the TT website. The first was done on May 31, 2012. Two subsequent interviews were done on February 11 and July 23, 2014. I follow several trading forums to stay apprised of the “latest and greatest” on trading TV and it’s not a leap to say that in the world of retail traders, Karen the “Supertrader” has achieved legendary status.

Tom Sosnoff founded thinkorswim (TOS) brokerage and has always been an outspoken advocate of the retail trader. After TOS was purchased by TD Ameritrade in 2009, Sosnoff co-founded TT. He has made numerous speaking appearances in different cities over the years where a series of presentations are given amid a festive backdrop of food, drink, and goodies. Despite his seemingly crazy schedule, Sosnoff answers e-mails personally (short and sweet but I believe it’s him).

Sosnoff has cast the rallying cry “Power to the People!” upon the average retail trader. With evidence to support his relentless critique of the financial industry, he encourages people to assume control of their own investing/trading. I believe many “newbies” have taken the leap because of Sosnoff’s efforts and I feel he is to be commended for his effort. This is not to say that he doesn’t profit from potential conflicts of interest but that is beyond the scope of today’s post.

Without question, I think most of Karen the “Supertrader’s” popularity stems from Tom Sosnoff himself. When a rockstar like that puts someone up on a pedestal as a virtuoso success and interviews her about the millions she has made and her humble beginnings, people are sold, persuaded, and inspired.

I will discuss Karen’s alleged wrongdoing in the next post.