Option FanaticOptions, stock, futures, and system trading, backtesting, money management, and much more!


How can I trade in order to generate consistent profitability over time?  That is the $6M question most any trading mentorship program, educational program, or investing service is trying to answer.  None of them have the answer but all of them purport to have an answer.  Since my focus is mainly on options, I’m going to call this misnomer “optionScam.com.”

A scam is a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation.  A scam is when you pay for something promised that you don’t end up getting.

Most all retail traders dream of making consistent profits over time.  Out of fear and greed, the two emotions most commonly attributed to traders, we tend to be pulled toward outlets that promise this consistent profitability.

No program or service can truly provide us with such consistent profitability, however.  Regardless of whether we pay a couple hundred dollars or several thousand dollars, nobody can deliver on this promise.  Paying money to not receive the service promised is optionScam.com.

Proof of optionScam.com is like proof of arbitrage bounds.  A higher strike put must always cost more than a lower strike put.  A longer dated put (call) must always cost more than a shorter dated put (call) at the same strike.  A call must always cost less than or equal to the underlying price.  If any of these are violated then you could place a trade for guaranteed profit.  Similarly, if someone absolutely knew how to generate consistent profit over time then they could do the trade for guaranteed profit.  What would happen with arbitrage bound violations or the profitability promise is that others would execute the trade until the profit was no longer [guaranteed].

This is what makes any such promises optionScam.com.

Let me be absolutely clear:  IN ORDER TO BE A SUCCESSFUL TRADER YOU MUST AVOID optionScam.com.